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On this page, you will find the fundamental principles that guide the SSOil Energy oil refinery, as well as its policies and ethics regarding the protection of personal data and information, the main guidelines for social responsibility, and demonstrative documents about our relations with investors.

Simply select a tab and navigate through the topics listed below.

With a stringent Anti-Corruption Policy, SSOil Energy strives to conduct its business ethically and transparently, while always acting with social and environmental responsibility. In line with these principles, SSOil Energy has formulated this Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (“Code of Ethics”) to reaffirm its values and provide a tool to guide how its employees should conduct their actions in the business environment and establish basic principles to guide the conduct of all individuals in any setting.

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics applies to all employees of SSOil Energy, without distinction, in all their activities, both in Brazil and abroad.

It is the responsibility of administrators, directors, and managers, in addition to adhering to the Code of Ethics and other policies of SSOil Energy, to ensure that the employees under their management are adequately prepared to carry out their activities in accordance with current legislation, the Code of Ethics, and other policies, as well as any training, meetings, or other formal events organized by SSOil Energy. In the event of any knowledge of a violation of SSOil Energy’s rules, it is their duty to immediately report it to the company’s Board of Directors and President.

It is the responsibility and duty of employees to carry out their activities in accordance with current legislation, the Code of Ethics, and other policies, and to stay updated on them. Every employee is required to participate in training, meetings, or other events organized by SSOil Energy related to its policies and internal regulations. Absence is only permitted with prior, express, and written authorization from their immediate supervisor, even if in electronic form. In case of knowledge of any violation of SSOil Energy’s rules, it is the duty to immediately report it to the Board of Directors and the President. If the violation was committed by the manager, direct or indirect responsible party, it is the duty of the employee to report it to the Board of Directors and the President. It is also the duty of all employees to cooperate with external and internal audits.

SSOil Energy is committed to treating its suppliers equally, fairly, and ethically. In this regard, all employees must avoid relationships with suppliers that may suggest the granting of privileges, preferences, or conflicts of interest. Gifts or forms of entertainment should not be accepted, except for small business courtesies that will not influence a decision, such as gifts with no economic value. Any offer of a gift with economic value from a supplier should not only be declined but also reported to the Board of Directors and the President of SSOil Energy. In case of a conflict of interest between a supplier and an employee, the employee should immediately inform the Board of Directors and the President about the said conflict of interest. Employees must also follow specific guidelines that SSOil Energy may circulate after the publication of this Code of Ethics regarding the communication of its employees with strategic suppliers and/or financial institutions.

SSOil Energy strongly prohibits the offering of gifts or forms of entertainment of any kind to public officials and/or public agents, whether permanent or not, as well as employees of companies engaged in outsourced activities for the Public Power. Any request, solicitation, or insinuation made by any of the aforementioned individuals must be immediately reported to the Board of Directors and the President.

All external communications must be clear, concise, prepared, and approved in accordance with the internal regulations of SSOil Energy, and can only be signed by its legal representatives and/or attorneys. Communications containing requests, demands, or assumption of obligations should follow the specific procedure outlined in the Bylaws.

Any contact and/or communication with the press can only be made by the Board or Presidency of SSOil Energy, through its administrators and/or directors. No employee is authorized to make any comments to the press or other media outlets about the activities, plans, projects, or any other information of SSOil Energy. If an employee is approached by the press, they should inform that they are not authorized to make any statements on behalf of SSOil Energy and will internally handle the contact request.

Employees of SSOil Energy have a duty to report any violation or suspicion of violation of current legislation and/or internal rules and policies of SSOil Energy. This communication is essential for SSOil Energy to take the necessary corrective measures. Failing to fulfill the duty to report will result in disciplinary action, potentially leading to termination of employment contracts for both those responsible for the violation and those who failed to report it to SSOil Energy. Communications referred to in this item should be directed to the Board of Directors and the President.

SSOil Energy will not tolerate discrimination in hiring or in the workplace based on race, color, religion, gender, nationality, age, marital status, citizenship, physical disability, sexual orientation, or any other form. SSOil Energy is committed to providing a productive, respectful work environment and will not allow its employees to engage in any discriminatory acts towards their peers, subcontractors, suppliers, or any other individuals. Actions such as violence, threats, any form of harassment, or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. SSOil Energy employees should not perform their duties under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and SSOil Energy may request them to undergo specific tests to verify the use of such substances.
An employee who suspects that their colleague is under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal substances should immediately report it to the responsible Human Resources Area.

Employees must adhere to SSOil Energy’s health and safety regulations and policies to prevent accidents to themselves or others. Any accident, regardless of severity, must be immediately reported to the Human Resources Department. The discovery of any unsafe health and/or safety conditions or any damage or potential damage to the environment should also be reported to this department. It is the duty of every employee to be familiar with the existing internal occupational safety regulations. In case of doubts, the employee should seek clarification from Human Resources Department.

If there are any doubts regarding this Code of Ethics, as well as other internal norms and/or policies of SSOil Energy, the Human Resources Department is available to provide all necessary clarification.

Our social responsibility guidelines for suppliers are currently under development.

O presente Código de Ética se aplica a todos os colaboradores da SSOil Energy, sem distinção, em todas as suas atividades, no Brasil ou no exterior.

É de responsabilidade dos administradores, diretores e gerentes, além de seguir o Código de Ética e demais políticas da SSOil Energy, garantir que os colaboradores sob sua gestão estejam devidamente preparados para exercer suas atividades conforme a legislação vigente, o Código de Ética e demais políticas, além dos treinamentos, reuniões ou outros eventos formais organizados pela SSOil Energy. Havendo conhecimento de qualquer violação às regras da SSOil Energy, é dever a comunicação imediata à Diretoria e Presidência da empresa.

É responsabilidade e dever dos colaboradores exercer suas atividades conforme a legislação vigente, o Código de Ética e demais políticas e manter-se sempre atualizado sobre elas. É dever de todo colaborador participar dos treinamentos, reuniões ou outros eventos promovidos pela SSOil Energy, referentes às suas políticas e normas internas, somente sendo permitida sua ausência mediante prévia, expressa e escrita autorização do seu superior imediato, ainda que sob a forma eletrônica. Havendo conhecimento de qualquer violação às regras da SSOil Energy, é dever a comunicação imediata à Diretoria e a Presidência; caso a violação tenha sido praticada pelo gestor, responsável superior direto ou indireto, é dever do colaborador reportar à Diretoria e Presidência. Também é dever de todos os colaboradores cooperar com auditorias externas e internas.

A SSOil Energy tem o compromisso de tratar seus fornecedores de forma igualitária, justa e ética. Nesse sentido, todos os colaboradores devem evitar relações com fornecedores que, de alguma forma, possam insinuar concessão de privilégio, preferência ou conflito de interesses. Não devem ser aceitos presentes ou formas de entretenimento, exceto pequenas cortesias comerciais que não influenciarão uma decisão, como brindes sem valor econômico. Qualquer oferta de presente com valor econômico oferecido por fornecedor deverá, além de ser recusada, informada à Diretoria e Presidência da SSOil Energy. Em caso de conflito de interesses entre um fornecedor e um colaborador, este (o colaborador) deverá imediatamente informar à Diretoria e Presidência sobre o referido conflito de interesses. Os colaboradores devem também observar as orientações específicas que a SSOil Energy venha a circular após a publicação deste Código de Ética, no que se refere à comunicação de seus colaboradores com fornecedores estratégicos e/ou instituições financeiras.

A SSOil Energy proíbe veementemente a oferta de presentes ou formas de entretenimento de qualquer espécie a funcionários e/ou agentes públicos, concursados ou não, bem como empregados de empresas que exercem atividade terceirizada pelo Poder Público. Qualquer pedido, solicitação, insinuação, feito por uma das pessoas supramencionadas deverá ser imediatamente reportado à Diretoria e à Presidência.

Todas as comunicações externas deverão ser claras, objetivas, elaboradas e aprovadas conforme as normas internas da SSOil Energy, e somente poderão ser assinadas por seus representantes legais e/ou procuradores. Comunicações que contenham requerimentos, pedidos, ou assunção de obrigações deverão seguir o procedimento específico conforme Estatuto Social.

Qualquer contato e/ou comunicação com a imprensa somente poderá ser feito pela Diretoria ou Presidência da SSOil Energy, na pessoa de seus administradores e/ou diretores. Nenhum colaborador está autorizado a fazer qualquer comentário à imprensa ou a outros veículos de comunicação sobre as atividades, planos, projetos ou quaisquer outras informações da SSOil Energy. Caso um colaborador seja abordado pela imprensa, deverá informar que não está autorizado a dar qualquer tipo de declaração em nome da SSOil Energy e que dará encaminhamento interno à solicitação de contato.

Os colaboradores da SSOil Energy têm o dever de informar qualquer violação ou suspeita de violação da legislação vigente e/ou das normas e políticas internas da SSOil Energy. Esta comunicação é fundamental para que a SSOil Energy possa tomar as providências corretivas necessárias. Descumprir o dever de informar acarretará medida disciplinar, podendo inclusive resultar em rescisão do contrato de trabalho, tanto dos responsáveis pela violação, quanto daqueles que se omitiram em comunicá-la à SSOil Energy. As comunicações a que se refere este item deverão ser encaminhadas à Diretoria e à Presidência.

A SSOil Energy não permitirá discriminação na contratação ou no local de trabalho com base na raça, cor, religião, sexo, nacionalidade, idade, estado civil, cidadania, incapacidade física, orientação sexual, ou qualquer outra forma. A SSOil Energy tem o compromisso de proporcionar um ambiente de trabalho produtivo, respeitoso, e não permitirá que seus colaboradores pratiquem qualquer ato de discriminação em relação a seus pares, terceirizados, fornecedores, ou qualquer outra pessoa. Ações como violência, ameaça, qualquer tipo de assédio ou comportamento agressivo não serão tolerados. Os colaboradores da SSOil Energy não deverão desempenhar suas atividades sob a influência de álcool e/ou drogas, podendo a SSOil Energy solicitar que sejam submetidos a testes específicos para a verificação do uso de referidas substâncias. O colaborador que suspeitar que seu colega está sob a influência de álcool e/ou substâncias ilegais deve imediatamente reportar ao responsável pela Área de Gestão de Pessoas.

Os colaboradores devem cumprir as normas e políticas relativas à saúde e segurança do trabalho da SSOil Energy, de forma a evitar acidentes a si ou aos demais colaboradores. Qualquer acidente, independente da gravidade, deve ser imediatamente reportado à Área de Gestão de Pessoas. Também devem ser comunicados a esta área a constatação de eventual condição insegura de saúde e/ou segurança do trabalho, ou qualquer dano ou potencial de dano ao meio ambiente. É dever de todo colaborador conhecer os regulamentos internos de segurança do trabalho existentes. Havendo dúvidas, o colaborador deve procurar a Área de Gestão de Pessoas da SSOil Energy para saná-las.

Havendo dúvidas acerca deste Código de Ética, assim como acerca de outras normas e/ou políticas internas da SSOil Energy, o Departamento de Gestão de Pessoas está à disposição para prestar todo o esclarecimento necessário.

At SSOil Energy, we are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your personal data. This policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and safeguard the information you provide when using our services. Here are the key points:

  • Information Collection: We gather details such as name, phone number, company, subject, email, login, password, file uploads, and downloads to provide personalized services and proper support.
  • Use of Information: Your data is utilized to personalize services, facilitate direct communication, enable file access, and continually enhance our products.
  • Security and Privacy: We have implemented robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the confidentiality of your data.
  • Your Rights: You have the right to access, correct, delete, or object to the use of your personal information, as described in this policy. Click here.
  • Cookies and Technologies: We use cookies to enhance your online experience, allowing you to control your cookie preferences.

Please carefully review this policy to understand how we handle your personal information. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding privacy and data usage.

Privacy Policy:

At SSOil Energy, we collect the following types of information:

  • Name: Used to personalize communication and services provided.
  • Phone and Email: For direct contact and notifications regarding services or changes.
  • Company: Relevant information to understand the user’s context and offer more suitable services.
  • Subject: To comprehend your needs and provide appropriate support or assistance.
  • Login and Password: Securely stored to ensure safe access to our services.”

The collected information is used for:

  • Personalization: We tailor our services to your needs based on the provided information.
  • Communication: We send updates, relevant notifications, and responses to inquiries.
  • File Access: We enable file uploads and downloads as needed for the services rendered.”

Your information may be shared:

  • Confidential Third Parties: Only with trusted third parties assisting in providing our services.
  • Legal Obligations: When necessary to comply with applicable laws or regulations.

We have implemented stringent security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or misuse.

  • File Uploads and Downloads: We maintain secure procedures to safeguard data integrity.
  • Login and Password: We store them encrypted to ensure additional security.

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience, analyze traffic, and personalize content.

  • Cookie Management: You can control or block cookies through your browser settings.

You have rights regarding your personal data:

  • Access and Correction: You can access and correct your information at any time.
  • Deletion: It’s possible to request the deletion of information, except when there are legal obligations.

We do not take responsibility for the security and content of external websites accessed through links on our site. By accessing these links, you are subject to the privacy policies and terms of use of those sites.

We periodically update our privacy policy and will notify about significant changes.

For inquiries, requests, or concerns regarding your privacy and personal data, please contact us through the means provided on our website.

By using our services, you agree to the collection, use, and sharing of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the proper use of the information provided. Your trust is crucial to us at SSOil Energy.

imagem preto e branco da SSOil Energy refinaria de petróleo


On this page, you will find the fundamental principles that guide the SSOil Energy oil refinery, as well as its policies and ethics regarding the protection of personal data and information, the main guidelines for social responsibility, and demonstrative documents about our relations with investors.

Simply select a tab and navigate through the topics listed below.

With a stringent Anti-Corruption Policy, SSOil Energy strives to conduct its business ethically and transparently, while always acting with social and environmental responsibility. In line with these principles, SSOil Energy has formulated this Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (“Code of Ethics”) to reaffirm its values and provide a tool to guide how its employees should conduct their actions in the business environment and establish basic principles to guide the conduct of all individuals in any setting.

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics applies to all employees of SSOil Energy, without distinction, in all their activities, both in Brazil and abroad.

It is the responsibility of administrators, directors, and managers, in addition to adhering to the Code of Ethics and other policies of SSOil Energy, to ensure that the employees under their management are adequately prepared to carry out their activities in accordance with current legislation, the Code of Ethics, and other policies, as well as any training, meetings, or other formal events organized by SSOil Energy. In the event of any knowledge of a violation of SSOil Energy’s rules, it is their duty to immediately report it to the company’s Board of Directors and President.

It is the responsibility and duty of employees to carry out their activities in accordance with current legislation, the Code of Ethics, and other policies, and to stay updated on them. Every employee is required to participate in training, meetings, or other events organized by SSOil Energy related to its policies and internal regulations. Absence is only permitted with prior, express, and written authorization from their immediate supervisor, even if in electronic form. In case of knowledge of any violation of SSOil Energy’s rules, it is the duty to immediately report it to the Board of Directors and the President. If the violation was committed by the manager, direct or indirect responsible party, it is the duty of the employee to report it to the Board of Directors and the President. It is also the duty of all employees to cooperate with external and internal audits.

SSOil Energy is committed to treating its suppliers equally, fairly, and ethically. In this regard, all employees must avoid relationships with suppliers that may suggest the granting of privileges, preferences, or conflicts of interest. Gifts or forms of entertainment should not be accepted, except for small business courtesies that will not influence a decision, such as gifts with no economic value. Any offer of a gift with economic value from a supplier should not only be declined but also reported to the Board of Directors and the President of SSOil Energy. In case of a conflict of interest between a supplier and an employee, the employee should immediately inform the Board of Directors and the President about the said conflict of interest. Employees must also follow specific guidelines that SSOil Energy may circulate after the publication of this Code of Ethics regarding the communication of its employees with strategic suppliers and/or financial institutions.

SSOil Energy strongly prohibits the offering of gifts or forms of entertainment of any kind to public officials and/or public agents, whether permanent or not, as well as employees of companies engaged in outsourced activities for the Public Power. Any request, solicitation, or insinuation made by any of the aforementioned individuals must be immediately reported to the Board of Directors and the President.

All external communications must be clear, concise, prepared, and approved in accordance with the internal regulations of SSOil Energy, and can only be signed by its legal representatives and/or attorneys. Communications containing requests, demands, or assumption of obligations should follow the specific procedure outlined in the Bylaws.

Any contact and/or communication with the press can only be made by the Board or Presidency of SSOil Energy, through its administrators and/or directors. No employee is authorized to make any comments to the press or other media outlets about the activities, plans, projects, or any other information of SSOil Energy. If an employee is approached by the press, they should inform that they are not authorized to make any statements on behalf of SSOil Energy and will internally handle the contact request.

Employees of SSOil Energy have a duty to report any violation or suspicion of violation of current legislation and/or internal rules and policies of SSOil Energy. This communication is essential for SSOil Energy to take the necessary corrective measures. Failing to fulfill the duty to report will result in disciplinary action, potentially leading to termination of employment contracts for both those responsible for the violation and those who failed to report it to SSOil Energy. Communications referred to in this item should be directed to the Board of Directors and the President.

SSOil Energy will not tolerate discrimination in hiring or in the workplace based on race, color, religion, gender, nationality, age, marital status, citizenship, physical disability, sexual orientation, or any other form. SSOil Energy is committed to providing a productive, respectful work environment and will not allow its employees to engage in any discriminatory acts towards their peers, subcontractors, suppliers, or any other individuals. Actions such as violence, threats, any form of harassment, or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. SSOil Energy employees should not perform their duties under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and SSOil Energy may request them to undergo specific tests to verify the use of such substances.
An employee who suspects that their colleague is under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal substances should immediately report it to the responsible Human Resources Area.

Employees must adhere to SSOil Energy’s health and safety regulations and policies to prevent accidents to themselves or others. Any accident, regardless of severity, must be immediately reported to the Human Resources Department. The discovery of any unsafe health and/or safety conditions or any damage or potential damage to the environment should also be reported to this department. It is the duty of every employee to be familiar with the existing internal occupational safety regulations. In case of doubts, the employee should seek clarification from Human Resources Department.

If there are any doubts regarding this Code of Ethics, as well as other internal norms and/or policies of SSOil Energy, the Human Resources Department is available to provide all necessary clarification.

Our social responsibility guidelines for suppliers are currently under development.

O presente Código de Ética se aplica a todos os colaboradores da SSOil Energy, sem distinção, em todas as suas atividades, no Brasil ou no exterior.

É de responsabilidade dos administradores, diretores e gerentes, além de seguir o Código de Ética e demais políticas da SSOil Energy, garantir que os colaboradores sob sua gestão estejam devidamente preparados para exercer suas atividades conforme a legislação vigente, o Código de Ética e demais políticas, além dos treinamentos, reuniões ou outros eventos formais organizados pela SSOil Energy. Havendo conhecimento de qualquer violação às regras da SSOil Energy, é dever a comunicação imediata à Diretoria e Presidência da empresa.

É responsabilidade e dever dos colaboradores exercer suas atividades conforme a legislação vigente, o Código de Ética e demais políticas e manter-se sempre atualizado sobre elas. É dever de todo colaborador participar dos treinamentos, reuniões ou outros eventos promovidos pela SSOil Energy, referentes às suas políticas e normas internas, somente sendo permitida sua ausência mediante prévia, expressa e escrita autorização do seu superior imediato, ainda que sob a forma eletrônica. Havendo conhecimento de qualquer violação às regras da SSOil Energy, é dever a comunicação imediata à Diretoria e a Presidência; caso a violação tenha sido praticada pelo gestor, responsável superior direto ou indireto, é dever do colaborador reportar à Diretoria e Presidência. Também é dever de todos os colaboradores cooperar com auditorias externas e internas.

A SSOil Energy tem o compromisso de tratar seus fornecedores de forma igualitária, justa e ética. Nesse sentido, todos os colaboradores devem evitar relações com fornecedores que, de alguma forma, possam insinuar concessão de privilégio, preferência ou conflito de interesses. Não devem ser aceitos presentes ou formas de entretenimento, exceto pequenas cortesias comerciais que não influenciarão uma decisão, como brindes sem valor econômico. Qualquer oferta de presente com valor econômico oferecido por fornecedor deverá, além de ser recusada, informada à Diretoria e Presidência da SSOil Energy. Em caso de conflito de interesses entre um fornecedor e um colaborador, este (o colaborador) deverá imediatamente informar à Diretoria e Presidência sobre o referido conflito de interesses. Os colaboradores devem também observar as orientações específicas que a SSOil Energy venha a circular após a publicação deste Código de Ética, no que se refere à comunicação de seus colaboradores com fornecedores estratégicos e/ou instituições financeiras.

A SSOil Energy proíbe veementemente a oferta de presentes ou formas de entretenimento de qualquer espécie a funcionários e/ou agentes públicos, concursados ou não, bem como empregados de empresas que exercem atividade terceirizada pelo Poder Público. Qualquer pedido, solicitação, insinuação, feito por uma das pessoas supramencionadas deverá ser imediatamente reportado à Diretoria e à Presidência.

Todas as comunicações externas deverão ser claras, objetivas, elaboradas e aprovadas conforme as normas internas da SSOil Energy, e somente poderão ser assinadas por seus representantes legais e/ou procuradores. Comunicações que contenham requerimentos, pedidos, ou assunção de obrigações deverão seguir o procedimento específico conforme Estatuto Social.

Qualquer contato e/ou comunicação com a imprensa somente poderá ser feito pela Diretoria ou Presidência da SSOil Energy, na pessoa de seus administradores e/ou diretores. Nenhum colaborador está autorizado a fazer qualquer comentário à imprensa ou a outros veículos de comunicação sobre as atividades, planos, projetos ou quaisquer outras informações da SSOil Energy. Caso um colaborador seja abordado pela imprensa, deverá informar que não está autorizado a dar qualquer tipo de declaração em nome da SSOil Energy e que dará encaminhamento interno à solicitação de contato.

Os colaboradores da SSOil Energy têm o dever de informar qualquer violação ou suspeita de violação da legislação vigente e/ou das normas e políticas internas da SSOil Energy. Esta comunicação é fundamental para que a SSOil Energy possa tomar as providências corretivas necessárias. Descumprir o dever de informar acarretará medida disciplinar, podendo inclusive resultar em rescisão do contrato de trabalho, tanto dos responsáveis pela violação, quanto daqueles que se omitiram em comunicá-la à SSOil Energy. As comunicações a que se refere este item deverão ser encaminhadas à Diretoria e à Presidência.

A SSOil Energy não permitirá discriminação na contratação ou no local de trabalho com base na raça, cor, religião, sexo, nacionalidade, idade, estado civil, cidadania, incapacidade física, orientação sexual, ou qualquer outra forma. A SSOil Energy tem o compromisso de proporcionar um ambiente de trabalho produtivo, respeitoso, e não permitirá que seus colaboradores pratiquem qualquer ato de discriminação em relação a seus pares, terceirizados, fornecedores, ou qualquer outra pessoa. Ações como violência, ameaça, qualquer tipo de assédio ou comportamento agressivo não serão tolerados. Os colaboradores da SSOil Energy não deverão desempenhar suas atividades sob a influência de álcool e/ou drogas, podendo a SSOil Energy solicitar que sejam submetidos a testes específicos para a verificação do uso de referidas substâncias. O colaborador que suspeitar que seu colega está sob a influência de álcool e/ou substâncias ilegais deve imediatamente reportar ao responsável pela Área de Gestão de Pessoas.

Os colaboradores devem cumprir as normas e políticas relativas à saúde e segurança do trabalho da SSOil Energy, de forma a evitar acidentes a si ou aos demais colaboradores. Qualquer acidente, independente da gravidade, deve ser imediatamente reportado à Área de Gestão de Pessoas. Também devem ser comunicados a esta área a constatação de eventual condição insegura de saúde e/ou segurança do trabalho, ou qualquer dano ou potencial de dano ao meio ambiente. É dever de todo colaborador conhecer os regulamentos internos de segurança do trabalho existentes. Havendo dúvidas, o colaborador deve procurar a Área de Gestão de Pessoas da SSOil Energy para saná-las.

Havendo dúvidas acerca deste Código de Ética, assim como acerca de outras normas e/ou políticas internas da SSOil Energy, o Departamento de Gestão de Pessoas está à disposição para prestar todo o esclarecimento necessário.

At SSOil Energy, we are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your personal data. This policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and safeguard the information you provide when using our services. Here are the key points:

  • Information Collection: We gather details such as name, phone number, company, subject, email, login, password, file uploads, and downloads to provide personalized services and proper support.
  • Use of Information: Your data is utilized to personalize services, facilitate direct communication, enable file access, and continually enhance our products.
  • Security and Privacy: We have implemented robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the confidentiality of your data.
  • Your Rights: You have the right to access, correct, delete, or object to the use of your personal information, as described in this policy. Click here.
  • Cookies and Technologies: We use cookies to enhance your online experience, allowing you to control your cookie preferences.

Please carefully review this policy to understand how we handle your personal information. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding privacy and data usage.

Privacy Policy:

At SSOil Energy, we collect the following types of information:

  • Name: Used to personalize communication and services provided.
  • Phone and Email: For direct contact and notifications regarding services or changes.
  • Company: Relevant information to understand the user’s context and offer more suitable services.
  • Subject: To comprehend your needs and provide appropriate support or assistance.
  • Login and Password: Securely stored to ensure safe access to our services.”

The collected information is used for:

  • Personalization: We tailor our services to your needs based on the provided information.
  • Communication: We send updates, relevant notifications, and responses to inquiries.
  • File Access: We enable file uploads and downloads as needed for the services rendered.”

Your information may be shared:

  • Confidential Third Parties: Only with trusted third parties assisting in providing our services.
  • Legal Obligations: When necessary to comply with applicable laws or regulations.

We have implemented stringent security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access or misuse.

  • File Uploads and Downloads: We maintain secure procedures to safeguard data integrity.
  • Login and Password: We store them encrypted to ensure additional security.

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience, analyze traffic, and personalize content.

  • Cookie Management: You can control or block cookies through your browser settings.

You have rights regarding your personal data:

  • Access and Correction: You can access and correct your information at any time.
  • Deletion: It’s possible to request the deletion of information, except when there are legal obligations.

We do not take responsibility for the security and content of external websites accessed through links on our site. By accessing these links, you are subject to the privacy policies and terms of use of those sites.

We periodically update our privacy policy and will notify about significant changes.

For inquiries, requests, or concerns regarding your privacy and personal data, please contact us through the means provided on our website.

By using our services, you agree to the collection, use, and sharing of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the proper use of the information provided. Your trust is crucial to us at SSOil Energy.